A mid-week cleaning tidy up just might be the ticket to more free time! It’s true!  

A well received home service that I provide is a mid-week tidy up ~ my clients love it especially after a long busy day.

A mid week tidy up is scheduled “in between” a regular weekly or bi-weekly scheduled housekeeping service when the client doesn’t need a full clean but instead has a few tasks around the home that they don’t have time to get to.  Enter Tick off the List to complete a bathroom refresh, fold some laundry, make the beds, empty the dishwasher, even deliver some groceries and organize the fridge & pantry for meal prep.  Whatever needs doing gets done and sorted which frees up time for you to do you!

Do you need some help getting organized for back to school, fall schedule meal planning, and finishing your post summer deep cleaning?  Pondering a regular housekeeping service? Email Niki for a free 30 minute consultation and let’s get you sorted!

~ Niki | niki@tickoffthelist.ca