Do you need a fall reset?

A recent kitchen reset booking inspired this latest post.  It must be the crisp fall air and morning dew on everything that has people starting to think about what needs doing indoors and before family gatherings this coming season.  Sunday, September 22nd, 2024 marks the first day of the Autumn season and in the blink of an eye it will be October! Perhaps this is a good time to get the kitchen organized and deep cleaned.  Are there other living spaces in the home that need some attention such as the guest room, home office, or “that space” you’ve been avoiding for months! LOL

Is your busy schedule and never ending To Do List keeping you from doing what you love?  Then a one time or regular housekeeping service might be the help you need.  We can start a trial period to see if Tick off the List is the right fit for your household.  This is a customized service much like a kitchen reset so there’s always flexibility to change up the tasks each week to stay on top of the To Do list!

Let’s get you sorted this fall season because winter is coming!  

~ Niki |